Our Ministries.
Children’s Ministry
All children, including nursing infants, are always welcome in our worship service. They may also receive Holy Communion.
All Children are invited to come up to the front during service for Children’s Time, after Children’s Time the children are invited to go upstairs for Sunday School! Sunday School will end 15 minutes into Coffee Hour to give parents some time to mingle without having to mind their children, or parents may go upstairs to pick up their children if needed.
Bell Choir
Our Handbell Choir, Bells of Joy, rings for worship services throughout the year and also for special holidays and events!
The bell choir invites anyone from high school age through adult to join.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir will resume singing at least once every Sunday during the 10:30 worship service once our reopening committee has deemed it safe to sing again.
This choir invites anyone from high school age through adult to join.
United Women of Faith (Previously United Methodist Women)
UWF is a community of women, whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand the concepts of missions through participation in the global missions of the church.
Missions Ministry
Our Missions Ministry works with local and international organizations of all kinds to help those in need all around the world. We invite anyone interested to join us in the work of bringing the love of God through service and stewardship.